Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I do not think Charles Bronson was miscast.

Death Wish: Mr. Bronson's Planet

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

I lie low for a while and then something pops up that makes me ask myself:  why is it that politicians, usually democrats but (all too) often republicans, wake up each morning and ask themselves "how am I going to boss someone around today?"

Case in point, local division:

Bonner proposes vape and hookah ban to curb drug use in youth

A quote from the story above:  

"During last week’s Rocky Point Drug Forum, Brookhaven Councilwoman Jane Bonner (C-Rocky Point) announced her new step to combat drug use, with a ban regarding hookah lounges and smoke and vape shops in Brookhaven Town.
If the town approves and implements the councilwoman’s proposal, prospective shop owners cannot establish their businesses within 1,000 feet of family- or child-oriented institutions or various public places. These locations include educational and religious facilities; non-degree granting schools, like ballet and karate studios; and swimming pools. The ban won’t apply to existing lounges and shops that have proper permits and certificates of occupancy."

Though not a smoker any more (I stopped around the same time I quit busting punk's jaws with sockfuls of quarters), I have no problem with people partaking in legal smoke and drink.  Nor do I have a problem with the lawful sellers of such.  As long as a person is old enough to fight for our country they should be able to have a drink and a smoke, and it is nobody's business.  Why do some with the power they are given (supposedly) by us, the voters, desire to regulate every fiber of our beings?

On a side note, hookah and vaping should not be considered one and the same.  The FDA, to the chagrin of nannies everywhere, even (grudgingly) came out and said that it is relatively harmless and it has the added benefit of weaning people off of more problematic cigarettes.  Hookah is taking in tobacco smoke, so it is not harmless.

If this is what our local pols are worried about, they should shut down the whole legislature because if this is the most pressing thing they have to deal with then they are not needed.