Newsday is trying to arrest its slide into oblivion and eventual demise by going the hyper-local route. Like, a division of AOL. But, Patch was there first, has a real team of internet techs behind them (I know, AOL is to tech as the Amish are to the Kardashians, but have you ever looked at and people who are already online for news slide right into Patch, an easy and logical site to navigate (again, totally unlike
So, what kinds of stories does the new hyper-local Newsday snag? How about this one:
Bellport Residents Say Yes to Higher Taxes
Uh, does anyone really believe that? A few people show up at a village meeting (about 30) and say they would be willing to pony up more to "save" village amenities. The total population of Bellport is around 2,500, so 30 people don't represent much of a groundswell.
Unfortunately, this thinking goes on in Miller Place, too. There are about 12,000 residents of MP and even if a school board meeting is packed the attendees only represent a small fraction of the populace. If the board thinks that the people who attend meetings are representative of the voting public they are going to be in for a shock.
I know this is like shooting fish in a barrel, but Newsday supplies soooo much to mock.
Earlier in the week, they ran the following story from the AP:
Glenn Beck's Fox Show Ending
I am not a big Beck listener/viewer, but my thinking is that if that one guy can make the liberals/democrats that bat-schitt crazy, well, then, he must be doing something right. But, even for Newsday, it was a fact-free, no-attribution hatchet job (of course, it was ripped right from the AP wire). Just a few pages in, however, was this article (and picture, too):
Obama Seeks Re-election Help from Sharpton's Group
Oh, the irony. They absolutely demonize Beck because he says things that the libs find uncomfortable (ie, true). But here is the POTUS standing there and beseeching Al "Tawana Brawley Freddie's Fashion Mart Howard Beach" Sharpton -- the guy who tells the IRS that he doesn't even own his own clothes -- for his help to get re-elected. Wow. Newsday, you are not even worth the $2/week (delivered) that you cost me.
Donald Trump. My gosh, is he getting under President Birth Certificate's skin. I don't think that he will ultimately run (the job is way too confining for an Alpha like that) but he is gonna have fun making O squirm, and he is rubbing the media's nose in it. I predict that the big story is going to be the discovery of the millions of dollars O and his handlers/enablers have paid to bury this story, and that is what is going to blow up in their faces. Go Trump! On Nov 3, 2012, I predict the front page of the NY Post is going to have Trump's pic on it with the headline "Obama, You're Fired!"
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