Monday, April 18, 2011


I have a picture in my mind (or used to) of Wisconsin being populated by polite and well-mannered people.  Like Miller Place.  Now, look at this video posted by Ann Althouse on her blog of Sarah Palin's Tax Day/TEA Party speech in Madison, WI on Saturday:

About 2 minutes in there is extensive video of a guy screaming "shame, shame" while hiding his face and attempting to stop the filming.  The crowd is doing it best to drown out Palin.  They only want one viewpoint heard -- theirs. So much for free speech.  Heck, so much for common courtesy! 

This is what the left and the unions do -- they shout down, browbeat and attempt to intimidate their opposition.  They use these tactics rather than debate because their positions have very little merit.  Will we see this type of behavior in Miller Place?  We are starting to.  At the last board meeting, the teacher's union president spat out a "thank you' to one of the board trustees who had the temerity to point out that maybe the deal worked out with the teachers was not a good one for the district's long-term fiscal health.  Rather than counter his detailed arguments she accused him of bad faith, said that she was not about to take a vow of poverty (I don't remember that be discussed), and then stormed away from the microphone, to the applause of the teachers assembled in the auditorium.

The country/state/county/pick one is BROKE.  There is no more money.  The public employees must realize that the people who pay their salaries, pensions and benefits are tapped out.  They don't want to hear it, though, let alone understand that it is true. So, the public employee unions are channeling their inner two-year-olds and covering their ears and yelling  I CAN'T HEAR YOU (just like in the video).  In the long run it is not going to work, but we are in for a few years of this stuff.  Madison is now; Miller Place is teed up for the (near) future.

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